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Malorie (Birdbox #2) Book Review

I will give you a brief synopsis of the book, and then, I'll tell you my thoughts about Malorie, the sequel to the famous book and movie, Birdbox.

Book cover of Malorie by Josh Malerman

Non-spoiler Summary

Malorie is the sequel of the famous post-apocalyptic thriller, Birdbox. Malorie and her kids live peacefully at The Jane Tucker School For The Blind until, one day, suddenly, they’re obliged to leave. And therefore, a new journey starts. Malorie and her six-year-old kids keep searching for a new home till they reach Camp Yadin.

They finally find a place there to call home. Ten years pass, and they’re still living at Camp Yadin. The creatures are still a threat, and Malorie is still living in fear. Tom grew up to be a genius who loves inventing weird new stuff. Tom has hope in life to be better, but is this the right place and time for hope? Olympia grew to be a smart girl who loves reading books, and she has some secrets that might change the fate of her family.

Out of nowhere, a stranger comes knocking at their door with news that will flip Malorie’s life over. One of her beloved supposedly dead ones may be alive. Malorie risks everything and leaves with her kids the safety of their home. They take another horrifying and risky journey to find this beloved one, but this time, the journey is different. The questions remain, is this person really still alive? Will Malorie, Tom, and Olimpya be able to complete this journey? Secrets get revealed, and some unanticipated things await Malorie.

Book Review

I was very excited to read this book, as I loved Birdbox and really liked Malorie (the character). So, knowing that there’s a sequel was some exciting news. This book didn’t disappoint me at all. I really liked it and finished reading it in two days. I’m not the type of person who finishes a 300-page book in two days. There were many aspects that I liked about the book.

The beginning of the book succeeded at capturing my attention; it was action-packed and a bit scary. The book was fast-paced and eventful. After reaching the end of every chapter, I wanted to read the following chapter to know what would happen next. I also liked how the author let us into Malorie’s mind and let us see what was happening there. We see how panicked and scared she was.

Moreover, it was interesting to see the problems that existed between Malorie and her son, Tom. It made me look at motherhood from a different angle. It made me understand both points of view, and maybe, both Malorie and Tom were right to think the way they did.

The book had some shocking twists and surprises, which made it more and more enjoyable and thrilling. I really hope this one becomes adapted into a movie too. I liked that the book was a mix of a horror, a psychological thriller, and a post-apocalyptic book. That's a mix that I really like.

There wasn’t anything I disliked about the book. Spoiler Alert. Maybe I wished something more had happened between Malorie and Dean. I was kinda disappointed that nothing happened between them. However, on the other hand, this might’ve ruined the romance that happened between Malorie and ‘Tom the man’. Either way, this didn’t reduce my enjoyment of the book.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. It is a highly recommended read. You can read the book even if you’ve watched Birdbox the movie instead of reading the book; that’s what I did.


Malorie (Birdbox #2) is an enjoyable and a thrilling book that'll keep you on the edge of your seat and waiting to know what will happen next. I recommend the book to those who love thriller books, especially post-apocalyptic thriller books. You'll like the plot, the plot twists, and the characters.

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